
Who can afford to be an art worker?

About invisible labour in former GDR and today’s FRG


22 – 31 Aug 2024 (daily)


O D E 1303


Fri 18 Oct 2024, 11 am–7 pm


Performance Swap


Sat 12 Oct 2024, 3–7 pm


Performance Swap


Sat 21 Sep 2024, 3–7 pm


every now and again

Artists talk, Finissage, Performance:

Sat 31 Aug 2024, 6 pm


Der Bitch-up Blog


Wed 28 Aug 2024, 7 pm


Who can afford to be an art worker?


22 – 31 Aug 2024 (daily)


every now and again

Exhibition tour:

Thu 8 Aug 2024, 7 pm


every now and again

Curators tour:

Wed 17 Jul 2024, 7 pm


Aus der Zeit


Sat 13 Jul 2024, 2–7 pm


From politics to physics


29 Jun – 4 Jul 2024 (daily)


itinerant interlude #99

Concert, Curators tour:

Fri 7 Jun 2024, from 7 pm


approaching world

Curators tour:

Thu 23 May 2024, 7 pm


approaching world

Artists talk:

Thu 25 Apr 2024, 7 pm



Curators tour, Finissage, Performance:

Fri 12 Jan 2024, 6 pm


by Sophie Innmann

Thu 22 Aug, 4 pm / Fri 23 Aug, 12 noon / Sat 24 Aug, 11 am / Tue 27 Aug, 1 pm / Wed 28 Aug, 6 pm / Thu 29 Aug, 2 pm / Fri 30 Aug, 5 pm / Sat 31 Aug, 6 pm / each 1 hour

Innmann engages in her artistic practice with the connections and interactions between human behaviour and the surrounding structures in which our actions take place. In this process, the factors of time (duration), space (place) and environment (human and non-human) operate as independent agents and are thus significantly responsible for the appearance of her works.
In her two performances, Innmann tackles the questions, among other things, how we use our time and what value time owns for us. In fact, Berlin pays 800 Euro to honour the work of artists in small group exhibitions. In a critical take on this aspect, Innmann will labour in her performance until she reaches the exact amount of an hourly wage of 80 Euro: she shovels sand from one pile to another or scrubs a world map. All the while, a punch clock records her working hours. In doing so, Innmann explores in this way the relationship between work and time with a critical focus on the instrumentalization of labour in different political systems. By keeping people constantly busy, they are formally tranquillized and deprived of the opportunity to make their own reasonable decisions.

Sophie Innmann studied painting and graphic arts at the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe. She has lived and worked without a permanent residence since 2015. Work residencies have taken her to Paris, Barcelona, Minneapolis, Yogyakarta, Plovdiv and Elefsina, among others. Following the logic of this way of life, Innmann is interested in network structures, the archiving of action, appearance and disappearance. Connecting women artists in joint artistic and curatorial projects forms another essential part of her work. In 2020, she received a working grant from the Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn. Her work has been presented internationally at venues including the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, the Kunsthalle Basel, the MoMA Moscow and the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart.

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