
Photo: Andreas Wengel

About us

Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten is a central institution for international art and culture in the Moabit area of the borough of Mitte. Its focus is on the presentation and mediation of contemporary art with innovative, critical and socially relevant potential. It presents individual, group and themed exhibitions that explore contemporary social and cultural processes in dialogue with contemporary art.

Every year, six to eight exhibition projects are realised together with cooperating institutions, curators or groups of artists, accompanied by guided tours, films, discussions and artist talks. Additionally, there are a wide variety of cultural projects, scientific events and artistic education programmes aimed at broad sections of the population in Moabit and beyond. Cultural education projects form an integral part of and important focal point for this, particularly including collaborations and partnerships with schools and extracurricular institutions in Moabit.

The Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten is run as a cooperative model under the aegis of the Kunstverein Tiergarten in conjunction with the borough of Mitte. Its unique model and programme have allowed it to develop into a cultural centre that attracts public attention far beyond the borough.

Artistic direction: Veronika Witte

Ausstellungsdisplay von Pfelder

Kunstverein Tiergarten e.V.

The Kunstverein Tiergarten e.V. was founded on the initiative of Dr. Ralf F. Hartmann in the fall of 2004 and was added to the register of associations in August 2005. It began its new concept with an ambitious exhibition and events programme in the former communal cultural location of Galerie Nord in Berlin-Moabit. Since 2006, along with its extensive program, the Kunstverein Tiergarten presents the Art Festival in Moabit, initiated by Christian Hamm and Ralf Hartmann: from 2006 to 2010, under the title “Moabiter Kulturtage Inselglück” (Moabit Culture Days Island Happiness), and since 2011 under the title “Ortstermin” (On-Site Visit, link to the page: Ortstermin). With this extensive program, the Kunstverein Tiergarten has established an artistic hub on Moabit’s Turmstrasse that sends out new impulses and sets new accents in the district’s cultural life, resonating well beyond its borders. In its statutes (link to Satzung: Service Download), the Kunstverein pledges to use an open artistic practice to help forge a tolerant cultural model of society. It’s a member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine and joined the movement “Die Vielen” (The Many) in 2018.

The membership of the Kunstverein Tiergarten e.V. consists of approximately 80 artists, art historians and theoreticians, business people, and many more for whom supporting art and culture is essential. In many respects, members are involved in a common cause – along with funding, it’s also about the network of artists and art lovers who support the cause of a lively and multi-faceted cultural landscape. The many events, members’ trips, meetings, and the art edition offer guarantee an interchange on a regular basis. The board decides on the admission of new members.

Board of Directors:
Julia Heunemann (chairwoman), Ulrike Riebel (vice-chairwoman), Diana Bach (treasurer), Veronika Witte , Dietrich Walther


Following the closure of the former communal Obere Galerie on Lützowplatz in the 1990s, the borough of Tiergarten searched for an alternative exhibition location for the presentation of artistic projects and initiatives primarily from the borough. A space in the Brüder-Grimm-Haus was quickly found. At first, the Galerie Nord had access to around 150 square meters on the second floor of the building. Until the old boroughs of Wedding, Tiergarten, and Mitte were merged, the Galerie Nord was a communal cultural facility of the municipal district office of Berlin that was available chiefly to local artists. In this way, the exhibitions and events offered a representative view of cultural activities in Moabit. Until 2003, it was run by Ovid Leonties, who decided on the gallery’s programme for more than ten years. In the summer of 2003, the municipal council decided to merge the borough’s libraries, and as a result the former children’s library was closed, freeing up the ground floor of the Brüder-Grimm-Haus. At the end of 2003, a special gallery commission appointed the art historian Dr. Ralf F. Hartmann to be artistic director and exhibition curator. Under his leadership, the newly refurbished gallery space was opened in October 2004 with a fundamentally different concept. Since then, the Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten is run as a cooperative model under the aegis of the Kunstverein Tiergarten in conjunction with the borough of Mitte. Today, the Kunstverein’s versatile program consists of thematic exhibitions, interdisciplinary projects, and art actions in public space. Following fourteen years of success as artistic director, Dr. Ralf Hartmann moved to the Kulturamt Spandau to become department head of art and culture. The Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten has been run by the artist Veronika Witte since 2017.


Mitglied werden

Mitglieder können Personen werden, die sich mit persönlichem Engagement und tatkräftiger Unterstützung für die Förderung von Kunst und Kultur in Tiergarten/Moabit sowie für den Aufbau eines an überregionalen Maßstäben orientierten Programms einsetzen wollen. Darüber hinaus besteht die Möglichkeit, den Kunstverein durch eine reine Fördermitgliedschaft finanziell bei seiner Arbeit zu unterstützen.

Vorteile der Mitgliedschaft:
• Sie unterstützen aktiv die Kultur in Tiergarten/Moabit
• Sie haben kostenlosen Eintritt zu allen Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen des Kunstvereins.
• Sie werden von den Veranstalter*innen und Kurator*innen durch die Ausstellungen geführt.
• Sie nehmen an exklusiven Veranstaltungen für Mitglieder*innen, wie Soiréen, Exkursionen, geführten Ausstellungsbesuchen und Kunstreisen teil.
• Gemeinsame Besuche führen Sie in Ateliers, zu Kunstevents und Messen.
• Sie erhalten regelmäßig Informationen über Kulturveranstaltungen in Tiergarten/Moabit.

Mitgliedsbeiträge: 50,00 € Regelbeitrag und 25,00 € ermäßigt.
Ein individueller höherer Beitrag ist jederzeit möglich.

Das Antragsformular für die Mitgliedschaft finden Sie hier.
Der Vorstand entscheidet über die Aufnahme in den Kunstverein.

Kunstverein Tiergarten

Panoramablick Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten, Foto: Michael Zeeh


The Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten is located on the ground floor of the Brüder-Grimm-Haus at Turmstraße 75. Today, the enormous building complex, a school building erected at the end of the 19th century and extended in 1914 with a huge courtyard, has many different users, and is a centre for education and culture. Since October 2004, the Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten has occupied over 300 square metres of exhibition space spread over three rooms. These are well-suited to holding medium-sized exhibitions. The three gallery rooms, with their spacious, panorama-like windows facing Turmstraße, offer a wide range of possibilities for presenting fine art and for hosting a wide variety of events. In the reception area there is a reference library with reference books and exhibition catalogues, which is constantly updated and can be used by any interested visitors. For exhibitions of multimedia art and for film events, the appropriate equipment is also available.

Photos and a ground plan of the rooms can be downloaded here. (Link)