
Corriger la Fortune

27 Jan – 11 March 2017


dark, liquid.

Vom Wissen und Nicht-Wissen über das Meer

8 Dec 2017 – 13 Jan 2018



Aktuelle Formen künstlerischen Handelns aus Finnland

27 Oct – 25 Nov 2017


Yours Faithfully

Achtzig für einen

27 Sept – 22 Oct 2017



Zwei jurierte Ausstellungen zum Ortstermin 2017

30 June – 29 July 2017


In den Raum zeichnen


19 May – 24 June 2017



Adib Fricke trifft Christian Hasucha

24 March – 6 May 2017


Corriger la Fortune

27 Jan – 11 March 2017



Fri 27 Jan 2017, 7 pm

Since the early 1980s, Cologne-born Astrid Klein (*1951) has been one of Germany’s defining artistic personalities and has received numerous important awards for her innovative works. Significant for her extensive oeuvre, which has been presented in numerous national and international exhibitions, are large-format photo collages, paintings, sculptures and monumental installations. The focus is always on questions about the role of modern media, literary references and investigations into the relationship between image and text. In 1993, Astrid Klein became professor in fine arts at the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts and has been instrumental in transforming the HGB into a contemporary art academy.

When Astrid Klein retires from university teaching in spring 2017, she will look back on generations of renowned young artists whom she trained in almost all artistic media. The focus has always been on the development of convincing forms and a clear social orientation.

This special concentration on aesthetic and content-related concepts has given many of her former students the necessary tools for artistic careers.

The exhibition Corriger la Fortune at Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten Berlin shows works by Astrid Klein and some of her master students.

A special sensitivity for material and form in combination with clear conceptual considerations connects the sculptural, photographic, painterly and filmic works in the exhibition.

curated by Ralf F. Hartmann

In cooperation with the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig.

With the kind support of the district funding of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

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