
Coming events

O D E 1303


Fri 18 Oct 2024, 11 am–7 pm

coming-events-one-item.php (leftcol & maincol)

Connected exhibition:

RE:VISION - 20 Years Kunstverein Tiergarten 13 Sep – 26 Oct 2024

Long Duration Live Performance by Nezaket Ekici

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Kunstverein Tiergarten, Nezaket Ekici dedicates her long duration live performance ‘O D E 1303’ to all 1303 artists who have exhibited at Galerie Nord over the past 20 years.
On the stage of a gallery window, she presents three specifically produced books in which each of the 1303 artists and artist groups is represented on a separate page. She spells out each individual name using the spelling table organised by German city names. The result is a special form of reading that dedicates distinct time to each artist listed, while the sounds, reminiscent of sprechgesang, extend from the exhibition space out into Turmstrasse.

The performance artist Nezaket Ekici (born 1970 in Kırşehir/Turkey) was a scholarship holder of the Tarabya Cultural Academy in Istanbul and the Villa Massimo in Rome, among others, and won the Paula Modersohn-Becker Art Prize. Ekici’s artworks are represented internationally in numerous solo and group exhibitions as well as in international collections. In her performances, Ekici uses her body as a narrative instrument to negotiate themes such as art history, identity, gender and religion.

(Image: Nezaket Ekici, Celebration, Performance installation 2021, Premiere Live and Online on 20 Feb 2021, during the exhibition “Leihweise 2021 –Ankaufssammlung der Städtischer Kunstraum Artothek München”, Photo: Andreas Dammertz)

Fin : Vernissage

Concert, Finissage: 

Sat 26 Oct 2024, 5–8pm

coming-events-one-item.php (leftcol & maincol)

Connected exhibition:

RE:VISION - 20 Years Kunstverein Tiergarten 13 Sep – 26 Oct 2024

Kinga Ötvös, Foto: Tóth Eszter Emese

with Kinga Ötvös, itinerant interlude #20

The series itinerant interludes is funded by Musikfonds e.V. and curated by Laurie Schwartz.

Aus dem Koffer

Zeichnungen auf Reisen aus Berlin, Hamburg, Köln und Stuttgart


Sat 2 Nov 2024, 1–10 pm, Sun 3 Nov 2024, 11 am–5 pm

coming-events-one-item.php (leftcol & maincol)

Aus dem Koffer is a networking project involving drawing artists from four cities. Two agents travel from their own region to the other three cities with a suitcase full of drawings. There, they present the works of the various artists to an audience at selected locations.

This will be accompanied by important drawing initiatives in Berlin: Anonyme Zeichner, Drawing Wow, fukt, Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin, Linienscharen, lines fiction, oqbo paperfile, Prolog – Heft für Zeichnung und Text, Strichstärke_Projekte zur Zeichnung, Zeichenraum

Saturday, 2 Nov 2024
1 pm: Welcome and presentation of the project “Aus dem Koffer”
1:30–4 pm: Presentation of the Hamburg suitcase
4 pm: Presentation of the drawing initiatives
5:30–8 pm: Presentation of the Cologne suitcase
8–10 pm: Drinks, snacks, talks

Sunday, 3 Nov 2024
11 am: Welcome
11:15 am–1:45 pm: Presentation of the Stuttgart suitcase
2:30–5 pm: Presentation of the Berlin suitcase

Supported by the Stiftung Kunstfonds, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Bezirkskulturfonds Mitte, Berlin, and the City of Stuttgart