21 Aug – 9 Oct 2021, each Saturday 10–11 am on Cashmere Radio
Luxus der Leere – wirklich nichts als Illusion?
Wed 10 Nov 2021, 7 pm, Haus der Statistik / Werkstatt
Künstlerinspaziergang mit Gummistiefeln durch Floating University Berlin
Sat 30 Oct 2021, 2 pm
21 Aug – 9 Oct 2021, each Saturday 10–11 am on Cashmere Radio

21 Aug: Estrel I: MAY YOUR STARS SHINE BRIGHT, YOU PRETTY PYRAMID. (Lola Göller) & Wenn das Eigentum … (CinemaCopains).
28 Aug: Während die Sachen ihre Schatten verlieren (with Gabriel Rossell Santillán)
4 Sep: dAEP Mädchenband live in concert
11 Sep: Fronteras Visibles. Making-off eines Soundtracks (Christian Diaz Orejarena) & Wenn das Eigentum … (CinemaCopains)
18 Sep: Staging Distance (Fabian Bechtle, Vincent Grunwald, Konrad Mühe, ) & Ach/Ugh! (Anna Zett)
25 Sep: The Parabelles! (Die Parabelles) – live
2 Oct: Seanaps Radio Lab Special
9 Oct: Singing yesterday’s news again (Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Nicholas Bussmann)
The public Palais .Ment stands in the inner courtyard between Galerie Nord, the Volkshochschule and the Erwachsenenschule BerlinKolleg. As the final syllable, it bundles the elements of the exhibition title and refers to the various processes of joint thinking, remembering and understanding. The Pavilion of Synapses is the stage for, for example, Mädchenband on 28 August, the kitchen for the performing Gabriel Rossel Santillán on 4 September or simply an outdoor meeting place after classes and a visit to the exhibition – an open roof truss. Please, sit down.
The radio programme will run every Saturday from 10 – 11 a.m. on Cashmere Radio (88.4 MHz Berlin/ 90.7 MHz Potsdam) for the duration of the exhibition and will be accessible online for listening.
21 Aug 2021
A factual report by Lola Göller & Marta Gerosa
Immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Estrel Hotel invited young Russian painters to Berlin for a residency. The art collection created there, with a freshly smeared East-West feel, can still be admired in the hotel, and even today the hotel owner is committed to young art and grows pyramidal. Berlin-Neukölln gets the Estrel-Kunsthalle – a labyrinth of glass and granite that radiates unhealthily, resounds and covers Berlin with rainbows. The new Kunsthalle will be a presentation space for triangular works, in keeping with the Estrel logo, similar to the square Rittersport art collection.
The newly opened Berlin art world wonder is being examined. The hotel manager, the architect, the curator, opponents of the building are interviewed.
put private money in and art and architecture start radiating rainbows for you
Authors: Lola Göller, Marta Gerosa, Claudia Dorfmüller
Music: Jean-François Rosè Yapi, Marta Gerosa, Lola Göller
Speakers: Dominik Wirth, Gabriel Loebell, Lola Göller, Lilli Kuschel, Mitya Churikov, Marta Gerosa, Sebastian Karhoff
Produced at Phlexton Studios Berlin
21 Aug + 11 Sep 2021
Und wenn das Eigentum heilig ist …, 2021, (10′, German)
Cinema Copains
A radio play about the right to property and the article of the Constitution that provokes gasps and shouts of carracas from liberal fanatics.
Audio piece from the exhibition
28 Aug 2021
Während die Sachen ihre Schatten verlieren, 2021 (30′, German)
with Gabriel Santillán
A conversation about working with sounds from the kitchen. Special sound effects, produced live.
4 Sep 2021
dAEP Mädchenband live in concert, (1h, German)
Recording of the concert on 28 Aug 2021, backyard of the Galerie Nord
Futurospective of a band that has never performed under the same name or with the same songs for over 15 years. Formed ages ago on the party ship MS Stubnitz in Rostock, we present a show from the concert recording collaged with interviews, live from the pressing process of their LP hard drive & snippets from the girls’ sampling machine set up in the exhibition.
11 Sep 2021
Fronteras Visibles. Making-off eines Soundtracks, 2021 (1h, German)
Christian Diaz
In this radio piece we move backwards through the making of the soundtrack to the film Fronteras Visibles (versión discursiva), made during a residency in Colombia in 2019. Afro-Colombian music culture, (post-)colonial histories of the city of Cartagena, experiences of suburban poverty and residency careerism come together here. In this making-off, Christian himself presents the sound elements of his video experiment and his technique of mutating the musical miniatures into a self-ironic melange about borders, injustice, self-promotion and cultural counter-appropriation.
18 Sep 2021
Staging Distance, 2016 (10 min, German)
Collaboration Fabian Bechtle, Vincent Grunwald, Konrad Mühe
The work was created in the context of research in the archives of the Planetarium. In the audio installation, the functioning of the science theatre is taken up using archive material from the planetarium shows. The artists are concerned with principles of visualisation and the associated conflicts about interpretive sovereignty, interpretation and knowledge. It is about what we see, how we see and how we are seen.
18 Sep 2021
Ach/Ugh, 2021 (10’28, German and English)
Anna Zett
This audio piece is a study in sighing, recorded during a severe winter lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Anna Zett asks people and groups close to her to exhale loudly and emotionally. What kind of sigh are you familiar with or would you like to try? From sigh to laugh and back to sigh again, Ach/Ugh explores breathing as a social action on the edge of symbolic language.
Special thanks to Philipp Goll, Nomaduma Masilela, Ebba Fransén-Waldhör, Marei Löllmann, Houaïda Goulli, Max Schmoetzer and Thomas Butler, for singing into the microphone with me.
Many thanks to Mariechen, Melanie Jame, Luzie, David, Maru, Nina, Nadja and Reeze for their contributions from afar.
For the duration of the exhibition, the play will be running in the courtyard of Turmstraße 75.
25 Sep 2021
The Parabelles! (The Parabelles) (1h, German)
A musically accompanied conversation about learning, teaching, lessons and growing up in them.
2 Oct 2021
Seanaps Radio Lab Special – An ear swap
An experimental listening spectacle from the sound festival ‘Seanaps’ and from public spaces in Leipzig. <Doku.Argu.Experi.Pig.> is also there on location.
9 Oct 2021
Singing yesterday’s news again, 2017 (54’30, German)
By Natascha Sadr Haghighian and Nicholas Bussmann
Every day, a singer sang the news from the previous day. These news songs were re-sung the following day, and what was re-sung was in turn re-sung by others. In this way, the voices of the singers gradually formed a choir and made a social resonance space audible.
The song texts came from the same source as the news from Deutschlandfunk. However, the geographical coordinates were changed daily. Thus, the perception of what is important and current shifted.
With: Aaron Snyder, Chico Mello, Lucile Desamory, Yusuf Ergün, Li Monuko, Zelda Panda, Frieder Butzmann, Fernanda Farah, Margareth Kammerer, Ming Wong, Laura Mello, Rico Repotente, Amen Feizabadi, Övül Durmuşoğlu, Ute Waldhausen; Newsroom crew: Maria Karpushina, Daniela Reina Téllez, Stephan Thierbach, Josephine Tiede; Production: Autoren/Deutschlandfunk Kultur 2017.
Singing Yesterday’s News Again was part of SAVVY Funk, the documenta 14 radio in collaboration with the Experimental Radio programme at Bauhaus University Weimar and Deutschlandfunk Kultur.