
v01ces – The Human Voice in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

10 Nov 2023 – 13 Jan 2024
The feminist philosopher Rosi Braidotti describes the voice as ‘a unique audio footprint of the human soul.’ However, nowadays many voices that sound human, such as those of voice assistants, are artificially generated. Current deepfake voices or ‘voice clones’ go one step further by making voices say things they never said: ‘You have a missed[...]


Said Baalbaki: Gestern wie heute

17 Feb – 8 Apr 2023
Said Baalbaki: Kein Zwang im GlaubenThe first institutional solo exhibition of the Lebanese-German artist Said Baalbaki shows a cross-section of his artistic work since he moved to Berlin-Moabit twenty years ago. Baalbaki combines painting and conceptual art with a focus on the exploration of mechanisms of establishing truths and the construction of history. With the title Gestern wie heute (As[...]



7 Mar – 20 Apr 2019
The exhibition project “Membrane” initiated by Ursula Damm presents five multimedia artists who deal in very different ways with perception, learning and interaction, as well as with methods and technologies of artificial intelligence and neuronal networks. In all positions, the processes of filtering, mutual opening and closing, the interpenetration of body, perception and machine play[...]