

11 Sept – 17 Oct 2020
Spree-Cuts: Götz Lemberg, Galerie Nord | Kunstverein TiergartenOn the occasion of the “100 Years of Greater Berlin” anniversary, three municipal galleries are showing panoramic photographs of the Spree by Götz Lemberg. The photographer thematises the Spree as a lifeline, transport route, tourism factor, natural space and leisure paradise, and in doing so he calls the river back into the collective consciousness of[...]


back there

27 Sep – 26 Oct 2019
back there, Ortstermin19, Agnes Scherer+ Paul DD Smith , Stefan Cantante, Birke Gorm, Rike Horb, YL Hsueh, Timo Kahlen, Nick Koppenhagen, Jeewi Lee, Marina Naprushkina, Stefan Riebel, Marion Ritzmann, Emmilou Rößling, Anna Schimkat, Gaby Taplick, Sung Tiêu, Jonas von LentheAs part of Ortstermin 2019, the exhibition “back there” is dedicated to the obvious and the less obvious. If something is obvious, it is exactly like that and not different – obvious because it is indeed open and insightful. Thus, the rooms of Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten also seem exceedingly open and insightful at[...]