
Never Memorize Poems in Landscape Leeway

7 Dec 2018 – 12 Jan 2019
The artists of the German-Nigerian project question mutual strategies of collective memory processes in two very different regions and continents. Their artistic interest lies in the connections between devastated landscapes, the erection of monuments (“usable past”) and forms of collective memory in two mining regions. In Lusatia, the gradual phase-out of lignite mining was decided[...]


No War No Vietnam

24 Aug – 6 Oct 2018
Based on the significance of the “Vietnam War” for the 1968 movement, this exhibition project is the first to juxtapose artistic anti-war positions of the 1960s with current art from Vietnam in the form of photomontages, videos, paintings, photographs and original documents. Using the means of performance, video games or reenactment, the Vietnamese artists satirise[...]



27 Oct – 25 Nov 2017
Finland, the most sparsely populated country on the edge of Europe, is celebrating 100 years of independence in 2017. For centuries it was part of the Swedish Empire and then, among other things, as an autonomous Grand Duchy, part of the Russian Tsarist Empire until independence. Finnish culture has absorbed these influences from Western Europe[...]


Strategien in prekären Zeiten

11 Aug – 16 Sept 2017
The exhibition Strategien in prekären Zeiten combines recent works by the Catalan artist Francesc Abad with elements of older projects to present them in a new constellation. Above all, there is the question of what art can achieve with simple, financially limited means born of insecurity at a time when its social existence has become[...]